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Minggu, 16 November 2008

A Glimps About Terracotta

Terracotta has been existing since long time ago. Its discovery areas are all over the world. Where clay soil found, there we can find terracotta. So terracotta was not a special thing actually. But, by technology development, the use of terracotta is left behind, replaced by the use of other materials. For example flooring terracotta, we rarely find this kind of flooring, it is replaced by modern factory-made ceramics, it is cheaper and precision. Meanwhile, the value of terracotta is not at such modern, cheaper and precision point, but at its function as healthy flooring.

We can take an example in Bali, terracotta is used for old persons’ houses. The reason is because terracotta has more stable temperature than other flooring materials. In the afternoon, it relatively cool and in the evening it is not too cold.

The use of terracotta is not limited for flooring only. GKW makes some terracotta designs for wall. Naturally, terracotta wall also has more stable temperature than cement wall. Besides floor and wall, terracotta can be also used for tiles and some of its accessories.

Most of all, terracotta is an alternative to create healthier and more natural buildings and the most important it is very much cheaper.

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Humic Acid mengatakan...
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Unknown mengatakan...

Terimakasih pak Kresna.. terakota pesanan saya sudah sampai tepat waktu, dan sekarang sudah terpasang.
Dan kantor saya banyak mendapat pujian dr beberapa client yg melihat terakota produksi pak Kresna, diantara mereka banyak yg tertarik dan bertanya.

b sulistio mengatakan...

Selamat malam pak Kresna.
Saya memerlukan bahan lantai terracotta uk.40x40 seperti yg bapak produksi.
1. Bagaimana dengan presisi (ketepatan ukuran tiap ubinnya)
2. Bagaimana dengan permukaan ubinnya, apakah bisa rata spt keramik KW.1 ?
3. Utk kebutuhan +/- 700 M2 berapa lama produksinya.
4. Berapa harga / buah atau / M2.
5. Apakah bisa dilakukan pengiriman kelokasi proyek di Banda Naira - Maluku?
Demikian dan mohon infonya.
Terima kasih.

Suara Madura mengatakan...

salut...sugguh saya salut pada blog anda!

dhewan setia mengatakan...

dahsyat bung!!!! anda menamoilkan sampai prosenya, thanks bangaet

MASSOKKA PUTRA mengatakan...

nice blog, menambah wawasan saya tentang keramik. Mudah2 an suatu waktu bisa mengunjungi pabrik anda.Sukses selalu

MASSOKKA PUTRA mengatakan...

blog yang bagus, menambah wawasan saya tentang kerajinan keramik. Mudah mudahan suatu hari nanti saya bisa berkunjung ke pabrik anda.Sukses ya pak...